We rely on first responders every day to help us get through the toughest of times. First responders are first on the scene we often forget they experience mental health challenges too.
In 2022 AdMental asked two emerging creatives to create ads that help us better understand the mental health impacts experienced by first responders. The aim is to normalise conversations about mental health, let first responders know that it is ok to talk about mental health with colleagues and employers and, importantly, for employers to respond to mental health challenges in the same way as they do physical injuries of their employees.
Thanks to our event sponsors;
Police Association of South Australia
Watch the videos here:
Due to COVID-19 AdMental 2020 was postponed until 2021 and once again we were at Bonython Hall. Hans the German was our fabulous MC. The theme was youth mental health with our two teams going head to head to pitch their ads to sell Youth mental health and wellbeing.
Dallas Rodgers’ Out of Site Doesn’t Mean Out of Mind was awarded the Geoff Robertson Memorial Award and also a scholarship to Award School; with Alice Reardon’s Reach Out winning the People’s Choice Award.
Thanks to our event sponsors;
Watch the videos here:
AdMental returned to Bonython Hall to address Loneliness in our Older Population. MC for the night was the fabulous Anne “Willsy” Wills as AdMental took an exciting twist and saw the introduction of emerging creatives making their mark in the advertising world, mentored by industry professionals.
The two teams pitched their ads aiming to start conversations about loneliness in older people and preparing for retirement. Peter Ferris’ Ageing Well won the ‘judge’s choice’ Geoff Robertson Memorial Award and Elysha Glaser’s Mindset for Life won the People’s Choice Award.
Thanks to our 2019 sponsors;
Local Government Association of South Australia
Watch the videos here:
Our 2018 AdMental event was hosted by comedian Amanda Blair and had a focus on mental health in the workplace.
Local ad agencies, Floodlight Media and Super8, pitched their ads to an expert panel and an appreciative audience in Bonython Hall.
The Geoff Robertson Memorial Award was won by Super8’s Be Aware Show you Care, with the People’s Choice Award going to Floodlight Media’s #Lets Talk.
Thanks to our 2018 sponsors;
South Australian Fire and Emergency Commission
Police Association of South Australia
Watch the videos here:
The inaugural AdMental event was hosted by comedian Greg Fleet. Local advertising agencies Black Sheep and Wellbourn O’Brien created ads “to sell the unsellable” mental health and wellbeing.
The 2017 winner was Black Sheep Advertising’s Take a Moment – Take a Breath, taking home the Geoff Robertson Memorial Award. The audience then had their say, with Welbourn O’Brien’s Play your Part picking up the People’s Choice Award.
Thanks to our 2017 sponsors;
Enjoy the creative responses presented on the night: